Friday, February 26, 2010


To embed a Google News Show (a slideshow of top news stories) into your site, start a new post on your news site, click on "Enter HTML," and embed the code below. Precede each line that begins with "iframe" and "/iframe" with < and end each line with >

iframe src=""
frameborder="0" width="300" height="250"
marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"


Things You'll Need:
HTML code
Audio file (mp3 or wav)
Website or Blog
Choose your Audio

Step 1
Choose an audio file. You can use an mp3 or .wav file. If you do not have an audio file, make one using any one of the freeware or shareware programs available on the Web.

Step 2
Upload the audio file to your webserver. Select the file to play on your website and make sure it is in the same directory as your website. To play an audio file on a blog that is hosted on a different server, upload the audio file to a free Web hosting company.

Step 3
Embed the audio file. Copy and paste the following code onto your website: Replace the "myaudio.mp3" with the name of your audio file. Keep the quotation marks. This not only embeds the audio, but also creates a player that allows you to turn the audio on and off.

Step 4
Embed the audio file onto your blog. Change the file name in the code to the complete URL where the audio file is located. For example, using the following: Change the name of "myaudio.mp3" to the full URL address where your mp3 is located. The embed code will create a music player.

Step 5
Adjust volume, height and width settings to match your blog or website. A width setting of "144" is recommended


  1. Even though most of the functions in the blogger are easy to use, I am finding it difficult to import documents from any program into the site. The site translates it into HTML jargon, and I have to go through and fish for the actual content of what I want to post. I am still trying to find a way to fix this problem.

  2. I found this very helpful for basic blogger layout. I like that you can include all basic multi-media. However, I feel as though it would be more captivating, and I am very interested in going beyond the basics without getting confused about the HTML, because there were some ideas I had the basic features did not support.

  3. You can also make your own logo or Blog title pretty easily. You could do it using paint or photoshop or anything like that to make your logo specific to you. If you're like me and somehow don't have any of those kinds of programs. Google has a free online drawing program you can use along with a free word processor and a free spreadsheet processor.

  4. I found the information about adding a news reel from google to be very helpful. I think that this is a nice addition to the blog site that does not require much work. I also think the information about adding labels and lists is very helpful. These are simple tips that can make the blog much more organized.

  5. I like the different ways in which you can set up the layout for your site. I like being able to link my news site to other websites that provide news. That makes my website feel like it's more helpful to the reader. I'm still not sure, however, how to put pictures with the specific stories in the layout of the page.

  6. I recently realized some bad news about blogger. There is no way (that I have found) to show only a portion of your article on your home page. By doing this readers would have the option to click on the article headline, to read the article in its entirety, if he/she wants to continue reading that particular story. If anyone finds a way to do this (show only the first section of their article on the homepage) please let me know. But it seems like right now we have a potentially useful ability to click on a headline and be taken to a page with just that post appearing on it (jumping), going to waste because there is no way to display only a section of the post on your homepage.

  7. This post is extremely helpful and informative. I like how the sidebar gives a number of options to choose from for personalizing one's blog. I have already and will continue using the embedding feature in order to throw in neat extras for followers of my blog.

  8. I think that the editing feature on these blogs is very user friendly. It isn't hard to do anything in particular, however the tips on how to embed video and image are very helpful. I haven't played around enough to run into any specific problems.

  9. I think that blogger is an important site to use and also can be fun. I am learning a lot of new features and how to use them in my stories when I am writing them. I am still playing around with it and learning some new everytime I play with it.

  10. I thought the tips for adding and embedding audio and visual and different HTML/JAVA was very helpful. When maintaining a blog, I personally feel having those three things listed above are crucial, for it allows viewers/readers to interact with the site and obtain all or most of the information they desire. So, having instructions on how to apply them was very useful.

  11. There are quite a few things that I like about the features that blogger offers for layout options. The templates that are offered, along with the intuitive, easy to use gadgets that can be implemented within a blog are great and I have enjoyed setting them up. The tips that were given above were helpful, however I wish that some more customization options were available, such as the placement of the gadgets (which seem to be in a fairly set position).

  12. The tips above seem pretty useful for performing basic blogger functions, but I'd also like to play around and discover some new features and ways to make my blog more intuitive and interactive. The most useful part for me was the bit about embedding audio, which can be a real pain if you don't know how to do it properly.

  13. This is not my first experience with Blogger, however this is the first time that i have to take my time to make sure that everything is organized. I enjoy working with Blogger. In the past I have taken classes on website creating, and this is very similar. I find this to be a whole lot easier because everything you need to get your page running smoothly is already laid out for you

  14. Overall, I think the blogger website is very user friendly. In my opinion, the way this website allows you to completely customize your blog and really make it your own is very appealing. From the layout to the color of the text and all the way to adding any pictures or videos to the background and border allows us to make this our blog and this layout page helps on telling us how to do that.

  15. I think that the blogger site is very easy to use. I like how there are many different ways to customize aspects of the blog. I like how you can really edit it in anyway that you want. Any sorts of colors and designs can be used. I'm looking forward to adding lots of pictures and videos as well.
